
A library with over 30hours of Guest Speakers and some of the besttrainers, therapists and movement professionals in the indystry

the latest of which were:
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as well as: 

Brian Mackenzie

Jill Miller

Shante Cofield 'Movement Maestro'

Dr. Perry Nickelston

Samantha Ciaccia

Rachel Balcovec

David Grey

Tony Gentilcore

Michael Mullin

Sean Light

Samuel Oliver

Dr. Mike Demille

Dr. Kento Kamiyama

Solana Lewis

Dr. Sid Stuart (OBGYN)

Alex Effer

Chris Kelly

Dr. Jason St.Clair

Dr. Ryan Crandall

Joy BlackĀ 

Kyle Dobbs

Dr. Jarred Boyd

Greg Hawthorne

Anna Mangnusson Sogell

Enroll in Empowered Performance Today For 3 Monthly Payments of $297